
There is not a single system in a woman’s body that is NOT impacted by decreasing oestrogen. It’s not all in your head!

If you’re rocking along in your late thirties & beyond and start noticing random changes in your physical and mental health… It may be time to look at your reproductive health.

You know, all that stuff that NO ONE spoke to us about?? (ahem…Perimenopause is NOT a bad word)

Women* can experience up to thirty different symptoms of perimenopause that often just get blamed on other things: being overworked, extra stressed out lately, or irregular periods happen to everyone, right??!  In fact, research shows over 30% of women in perimenopause don’t even know it’s happening!?

Even worse, our healthcare providers aren’t always super helpful because they didn’t get the best education in women’s reproductive health in midlife-which is totally a systemic problem-but this leaves many women on their own. 

GOOD NEWS though! 

A change is happening (pun intended) and more information is available everyday! So, while I work on my PhD in women’s health & ageing (using UK English!)- I’ll do my best to share with you what I learn too!

It’s so much more than just jokes about Hot Flashes! Women Deserve to be Heard, Informed, & Empowered!

Also, let’s work together to support each other! So, if you know of a doctor/provider in the area who is brilliant at helping women through this phase of life-I’d love to add them to this list! 🙂  Just email me at hello@redefiningstories.org

*Use of the word ‘women’ is not meant to exclude those of other gender identities who may be experiencing symptoms of the menopausal transition. #Inclusivity

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