Greenery on Books

It’s time to stop the pursuit.

To stop the relentless and frazzled quest for the feelings I most desire in my life.

Let me explain…

My journey didn’t begin frazzled and relentless when I began using Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map Weekly Planner, “What I Will Do to Feel The Way I Want To Feel,” but somehow it transitioned into just that. This is definitely not the intent of this awesome Planner and I recognize my overzealousness to feel ‘thriving’ was likely my biggest downfall. (I went too big)

What started out as inspiring and feeling fully alive and present in each day slowly turned into another to-do list leaving me feeling like I was failing…feeling more overwhelmed instead of inspired, seen, and thriving, or strong. So, it hit me this week…I’ve been pursuing what are my “core desired feelings” (cdf’s) with TOO much intention, if that’s possible. Well, it is possible because I did it. But now I see that, and I thought I would share.

Sometimes the most essential feelings we really need in a given season cannot be pursued, only welcomed.

There it is…Welcomed.

Not pursued.

Especially not relentlessly.  

I realized the things my soul and spirit need most in this season simply need space in my rushed, motivated and go-get-‘em life. So, I am learning to stop the to-do list (even with great things on it) and simply stop.

Literally, to stop.

To be still. Be quiet. Be present.

How can I welcome something sacred if I am always going, going, going? I can’t. You can’t either. Instead, we must set a place for them at our table, leave room on the bench or pad of grass beside us. Breathe into the empty space under the sun, moon, or stars while we listen to the song birds and be still.

Our relentless (or at its best, focused) pursuit can bring feelings of accomplishment, strength and tons of great feelings at times…but what if what’s truly needed is…

Peace? Calm? Serenity? Awareness?

Shalom? (The original Hebrew meaning is so beautiful, and so much more than Peace)

These feelings don’t come through a frazzled chase or to-do list; they come when they are invited and made welcome. Just as with an honored guest in your home. Will you rush around from here to there and stay consumed with your chores when a treasured friend comes to visit? Or will you set aside the busyness, be still, and simply sit with them, offering them your presence?

Having this revelation has changed my entire mindset and helped me see what I most need in this season. I’m leaving space in my days, week, and mostly my mind to create the perfect space for the sacred to feel welcome. So now offering my presence to that which I crave most is my intention.

No racing, rushing, or hectically pursuing.

Only stillness.  

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