From where are your Sacred Things manifested…?

Internally? Or Externally?

Do they depend on the words or actions of others…or are you the sole creator of what you hold most sacred?

What I call Sacred Things are simply feelings or attributes that help you be who you are and live the kind of life you want. Sometimes what we hold most Sacred is born out of abundance, but sometimes lack.  Either way, they are crucial to identify in order to be, and live, authentically. 

Some Sacred things my clients have identified over the years have been:

Creativity. Wisdom. Feeling Understood. Strength. Known. Humor. Adventure. Chosen. Integrity. Independence. Wonder. Seen. Freedom. Connection. Gratitude. Love. Belonging. Flow. Success. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Can you identify from where some of these may come? Internally, externally…possibly both?

Something I want you to consider…

I believe if too many of your Sacred Things are only manifested with external input, your wellbeing and overall life satisfaction may depend entirely too much on others.

It might be time for a little self-reflection to ensure that’s not your story.

First, identify about four or five things/feelings/attributes you know are most Sacred in your life. Then, look for the sources to make sure you can meet your own needs instead of looking to others, since this often becomes unhealthy. If there’s one that typically comes from external sources, can you find within yourself a place to meet this on your own?

Be Mindful. Know Your Sacred Things. Become (mostly) Your Own Source.

And if you need a little guidance in this process, I’m here. 

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