All We Need is Love…?

All We Need is Love...?

I think most people have heard the saying, “you can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” right? Or at least some variation of this. Well, I disagree.

You CAN love others without loving or valuing yourself. You can easily, selflessly give and give to another, making sacrifice upon sacrifice. You can be the most loving, supportive partner a person has ever had–setting aside your friendships, hobbies, goals, and even your needs. Slowly forsaking all the things that make you, you. All in the name of love…

So sure, you CAN love others without loving yourself, but here’s the catch: You cannot experience real, healthy love without first loving yourself.

When you love others without loving yourself first–without believing in your worth–you may gradually fold into a smaller version of yourself in order to please (and keep) a partner. You might accept less than stellar treatment, toxicity, disrespectful behavior, or even abuse.  Maybe you believe your love can help your partner change, or that you are somehow to blame. So you become selfless and self-sacrificing because the world tells you it’s noble, but what you’re left with is then only a mirage. An illusion. The “love” you share is now based on an altered version of yourself, all for another’s benefit, where you have…

Forsaken your needs.

Your boundaries.

Your desires.

Your voice.

Because loving yourself didn’t seem as important as loving them…

Only when you recognize and validate your innate worthiness of love, belonging & consideration will you ask for it from another. Only when you know you deserve to be loved; will you require it in return. THIS is what loving yourself looks like…

You maintain healthy boundaries, honoring your separateness.

You hold onto your Sacred Things.

You speak your needs and desires.

You own your truth, rather than molding it to please another.

You remain entirely and completely, You.

Two people who love and respect themselves first will experience more authentic connection and intimacy. The relationship they build leaves space for each partner to be an individual, it fosters closer connection because each person speaks their truth, and neither partner folds themselves around the other.  Healthy, lasting love with another, begins within oneself.

So, my advice to you is this: Love yourself the way you want others to love you.  And let the love you give away, be a reflection of the love you give yourself.

I know it can be difficult sometimes, especially when people from our past have undermined this truth. All the more reason we need to be reminded of this again and again. So, for those who have been taught the contrary…let me assure you of this now…

You. Deserve. To. Be. Loved. 

Sitting in the Suckage


Sitting in the Suckage

Do you know there’s a good chance that people around you right now may be wearing the obligatory smiles through this Holiday season but they are covering up a world of hurt??

The holidays really are difficult for a LOT of people, for a LOT of different reasons, even if it is something wonderful for you and yours. For those who are hurting…their stories are valid, as are their (maybe even your…) feelings.

Sometimes people don’t need family and friends to insist they “cheer up!” or to hear “don’t you just love the holidays??” over and over as they grit their teeth and fake a smile through January.

Sometimes….it just needs to be okay to sit in the suckage. 
And maybe you could even take a moment to sit in the suckage with them. 
Just let it stink. 
Don’t jump to fix it. 
Simply acknowledge it and let them know they have a friend in you, if needed.

For some people, the struggle around the holidays can often lead to a very dark & twisty place. A place of intense sadness, loneliness and despair and they need to know they’re not alone. You are not alone.

So I hereby grant each and every one of you the permission to NOT be okay this month.  
And the permission to do something that DOES bring you joy, or at the very least, comfort. (preferably something legal, healthy, and that won’t get you on the six o’clock news )

Maybe it’s a roadtrip to Arizona or just down the Coast, or a cruise to the Bahamas…or maybe it’s just unapologetically NOT decorating your house and enjoying entire series of your favorite shows on Netflix or Hulu… (Golden Girls is always a great distraction!) 

Also, I ask that you extend this “permission” to everyone in your life.

Oh, and if YOU happen to be the one struggling, I’m here. 

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The “Platinum” Rule! (up there w/Golden Rule…)

Platinum Rule picture

The “Platinum” Rule! (up there w/Golden Rule…)

Everyone has heard of the Golden Rule, right? Where we are to treat others the way we want to be treated… With kindness, compassion, respect, and understanding…that all sounds good and necessary, right?

But what if I said that for many people, abiding by the Golden Rule comes naturally, only…it’s themselves they lack compassion, kindness, and understanding for when it really counts? Maybe YOU are one of those amazingly giving people struggling with just this issue??

So, I’ve come up with the “Platinum Rule” just for YOU then…

I want you to focus on giving to yourself what you so freely give to others. 😊Because you deserve all the understanding, compassion & kindness when you’re struggling that you give to others in your life.

You matter too!

At least in my book you do! And I hope in your book too!

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